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Like A Giant Swingset
Tahir Tower Wall Camp II, Kondus Valley - Saturday, July 15, 2000

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Forbidden Towers

I'm here in the portaledge, preparing to transmit our first dispatch from our wall camp. The power cable to our sat phone had a short in it, so I just re-wired that. It really is a trip to have all this high tech stuff along!

It is so good to finally be established at a hanging ledge camp — finally feels like a big wall. There is steep granite on either side of us, with moon rises coming over the mountains directly across from our ledges. Steph and I had a pleasant day of hauling today. We hung around, took pictures of each other while we ascended our ropes. At the bottom of some of the fixed ropes, you can jump our nearly 30 feet from the wall, like a giant swingset 2000 feet in the air!

When we got done hauling, Jimmy and Dave were still up climbing. Steph was typing a dispatch, so I went back down to the roof pitch to see if it could go free. After two hours of work, I was able to do every move, but had to hang a bunch. It's pretty darn hard. Self belay with a gri-gri isn't the easiest way to work the moves on a pitch, but it was my only option. We'll see if we end up actually attempting to lead the roof free. We may run out of time before we get a chance.

Jimmy and Dave had an interesting time up above in the choss today, but more about that later.

Brady Robinson, Correspondent

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