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Dinesen and East Africa Today
Saturday, July 17, 1999

Hear Wally's Call from Africa
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Good morning Mountain Zone, this is Wally Berg calling. I made it to East Africa. It's about 6:30 in the morning in Nairobi and it's wonderful to be back in East Africa after being away about a year.

I've always loved the climate here. I'm reminded, as I stand out here this morning, watching a big, orange ball come up—the sunrise off to the east—I'm reminded of Isak Dinesen's description of the cool, rarefied air as she talked about farm life in this part of the world earlier in this century—quite different now. I'm actually in a city, a bustling city, and in many ways an unpleasant city, of three million people. I beginning to hear the wake-up type sounds from that kind of an African-urban scene around me.

But once again the climate, East Africa's got, in my mind, the greatest climate of anywhere I visit through the year. I love the the temperate, cool, rarefied air if you will. This city of about five-six...[Unintelligible]...It's just a point of transit for me.

In a few moments actually, I will get on a bus and drive south through much of the day...most of the day anyway, to a village called Namanga on the boarder of Tanzania and Kenya...transmission fails.

Alpine Ascents Guide Wally Berg, Correspondent

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