Daily Dispatches [CLICK FOR INDEX] Climber Eric Simonson All Safe After Epic Descent
Mon, May 17, 1999 — 9:30pm Tibet Time
Satellite phones for Everest provided by MVS/USA

Eric Simonson calling from Base Camp [ABC] with the wrap up on the story about our climb today. It was a real epic—a 6½ hour descent, and everybody's finally back in Camp VI doing well.

Everest North Ridge Summit Bid At about five o'clock this afternoon, when it became obvious that it was going to extend well past darkness, I sent Tap and Jake back up to meet Conrad and Dave, and they met them up in the Yellow Band and helped escort them back down to Camp VI.

Everest North Ridge Summit Bid Everybody's doing well, and tomorrow, we're expecting everybody to be returning back to ABC. So we'll get the full story when they all get down, and we'll be able to share it with all of the Mountain Zone audience. I'm sure you'll all be looking forward to hearing from Dave and Conrad in person, but for right now, rest assured, everybody's doing okay, and they are safe at 8300 meters at Camp VI. Okay, that's it for now. Goodbye.

Eric Simonson, Expedition Leader