Daily Dispatches [CLICK FOR INDEX] Climber Charles Corfield Smelling Good in Kathmandu
Thu, March 18, 1999 — Kathmandu, Nepal
Hi there, Mountain Zone. This is Charles reporting from the rooftop of the Hotel Tibet in Kathmandu. The members of the Everest Millennium Expedition arrived in Kat around lunchtime today, after we had, much to our surprise, found that 59 pieces of baggage had made it all the way through from the states to Trinivan Airport.

Kathmandu We loaded them up into vans and headed on into downtown Kat, and so here we are late afternoon, doing a dry run on the sat [satellite] phone and this dispatch is being delivered over the B Terminal, the Explorer II from GSI, and it is performing extremely well. And in the next few minutes we will try hooking up email and doing our first up and downloads email from Kathmandu.

Everyone is doing very well, healthy, showered, clean, fresh smelling and off to party this evening, that's it for know. We will be in touch in due course.

Charles Corfield, Climber