Team Cepos
Captain: Antonio de la Rosa Suarez
Age: 28
Home: Madrid, Spain
Occupation: Fireman
Adventure Races:
1997 Eco-Challenge Australia, 1997 Mild Seven Outdoor Quest 3rd place, 1996-1997 Raid Verde de Gran Canarias 1st place, 1997-1998 Raiverd 1st place, 1996 Raiverd finalist, 1997 Cros Aventura Gran Canarias 3rd place.
1997 Xcros-Athlon 1st place, 1997 Action Team 1st place mixed team, 1995 Deca Ironman, 1995 Europe Cup Quadrathlon 3rd place, 1994-1997 Quadrathlon Champion of Spain. Antonio has competed in over 50 kayak competitions since 1992.
Name: Nerea Martinez Urruzola
Age: 26
Home: Madrid, Spain
Occupation: Professional athlete
1997 Long Distance World Championships 12th place, 1997 Action Team 1st place Mixed Team, 1996 Triathlon Niza 9th place, 1997 Long Distance Spanish Championship 1st place, 1995-1997 Half Distance Spanish Championship 1st place, 1995-1997 Olympic Triathlon Spanish Championship 3rd place, 1992-1994 16 triathlons of different distances, 1994-1998 member of National Triathlon Team, 1995 World Cup.
Name: Jose Javier Torres Lopez
Age: 24
Home: Granada, Spain
Occupation: Ski teacher
Adventure Races:
1997 Eco-Challenge Australia, 1997 Mild Seven Outdoor Quest 3rd place, 1997 Raid Verde de Gran Canarias 1st place, 1995-1997 Raiverd 1st place, 1993-1994 Raiverd 3rd place.
1997 Xcros-Athlon champion, 1994-1995 Champion of Andalucia Triathlon junior division, 1995 Cursa del Llop Tarragona 4th place, Malaga Ironman 7th place, 1995 Combinada de Aventura Lanjaron 1st place, 1994 Cros Aventura 2nd place, 1994 Quadrathlon Junior sub-Championship of the World, 1994 Spain Junior Quadrathlon champion, 1993-1994 Orientation Races junior champion.
Name: Miguel Angel Torres Lopez
Age: 29
Home: Granada, Spain
Occupation: Teacher
Adventure Races:
1997 Eco-Challenge Australia, 1997 Mild Seven Outdoor Quest 3rd place, Raid Verde de Gran Canarias 1st place, 1995, 1997 Raiverd 1st place, 1993-1994 Raiverd 3rd place.
1997 Action Team 2nd place, 1997 Xcros-Athlon 1st place, 1998 Ski Championship of Andalucia 2nd place, 1995/1997 Orientation Championship of Andalucia 2nd place, 1995 Cursa de Llop 3rd place, 1994 Ibiza Quadrathlon World Championship 11th place, 1994 Spanish Quadrathlon Championship 2nd place, 1994 Cros Aventura 2nd place, 1992 Australian Bike Challenge finalist.

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