Team WA
Captain: Tamaki Tsugaoka
Age: 46
Home: Kanagawa, Japan
Occupation: Lifeguard
1997 Triathlon in Tokunoshima, 1997 Tour de Okinawa(387km bike ride), 1992-1996 All Japan Triathlon Tottori Competition, 1989-1992 & 1995-1996 Lake Kawaguchi Marathon finisher, 1993-1995 Tokyo-Itoigawa Fast Run, 1995 Atami Open Water Swim Race, 1994 Oome City Marathon finisher, 1991 Shuli-Chnmoi 12 hours Marathon finisher, 1991 All Japan Triathlon in Genkai, 1991 All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima Competition, 1990 SURF '90 Japan Triathlon in Miura.
Name: Taro Muramatsu
Age: 26
Home: Tokyo, Japan
Occupation: Manager
1998 Climbed Mt. Kinabalu and toured Borneo via mountain bike; 1997 Raid Thai (mountain bike race) 2nd place; 1995 climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro; Since 1991 Taro has toured Japan by mountain bike extensively.
Name: David Lam
Age: 35
Home: Tokyo, Japan
Occupation: Fund manager
1997 New York Marathon, 1996 Onjuku Triathlon 4th place, 1995 Honolulu Marathon, 1993 Triathlon Chiba Japan and Izu Japan, 1992 Bali Marathon, 1992 mountain bike tour to Okinawa Island-leader, 1991 trekked through various areas of Japan. David has trekked throughout the U.S., Honduras, North China, Southeast Asia and Taiwan since 1987. He also enjoys road racing, surfing, canoeing, and rock climbing.
Name: Yosuke Ikuta
Age: 28
Home: Chiba-Ken, Japan
Occupation: Experiential learning instructor
Adventure Races:
1997 Raid Thai 13th place, 1996 Southern Traverse 13th place, (1st Japanese team to finish).
1998 Akikawa Valley Nature Race 30th place, 1995 Honolulu Marathon, CMAS scuba diving license. Yosuke has worked as a fitness instructor and plays basketball, soccer, and judo.

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