1997 World Seven Summits Canadian Expedition

Updates From Everest
George Tumpach
Storm Hits Mountain
Wednesday, October 1, 1997
(Everest North Face advance base camp, Tibet)

Lawrie Godin, George's fiancee, writes:
I just had a quick call from George, as he has no access to email [his batteries are charged by solar power] and has asked me to email you this information.

It is now 9 pm on October 1 and -15 inside the tent. A low pressure storm came in today which was neither forecasted nor expected. All teams have now returned to base camp except George and his three Sherpas. They have ordered the yaks to pick them up on October 7th. George has supplies at the North Col which he is not prepared to leave behind.

George must wait this storm out as there are also a lot of avalanches at the North Col. He is well but being very cautious.

— Lawrie Godin for George Tumpach